
Zero-Fee NFT Trading


Pixl.so is a NFT platform that lists tokens from over 100 marketplaces. The unique thing about the platform is that they enable gas-free batch listings, and also don’t charge fees for $XFL, $BLUR, $LOOKS, and $SUDO. On this project, I was approached to reskin the entire app to make everything feel tighter.

For branding, NFT platforms like Open Sea and Rarible use plain black backgrounds, monochromatic shades, and the occasional brand accent color. For pixl.so, I mostly followed this pattern but wanted to inject a bit more personality.

The NFT art should really be the thing that holds the user’s attention.

The previous fonts (Monument and Neue Machina) had a bit too much verve to it, so I conducted a bit of comparative research to choose some fonts that were a bit more laidback. We ended up selecting Inter and Supply Mono because they communicate the brand in a way that feels precise, and authoritative.

The UI was also completely outfitted with a custom-designed set of pixel art icons.


The platform will also have a “light mode”. Try viewing the different color contrasts by sliding the button below.

Dark Mode Light Mode

You can take a tour through the pages that were redesigned.


This was such a great experience working with Pixl.so. It’s one of those great client relationships where the project owner has great business & UX sense – but doesn’t necessarily have the technical skills in Figma to realize it. The buildout of this new redesign is forthcoming, and really looking forward to seeing it!